Apple QuickTime movie | 1997-03-17 | 22.1 MB | 320x240 | 15fps | 2 minutes, 16 seconds | [MooV/TVOD]
Transcription: Where's your dead animal collection? Over here. We've got various things. Lots of scorpions here. In this little corner. This is a human, well it's a fetus skull. It's about 90 years old from South America. I bought it off a friend of mine who still has brain membrane attack. And that's a whisker from my previous cat. drive back from the front of my... one of my ex-girlfriends. This guy, this was Lydia, made this for me. It's like a guy in a bottle. He made that yourself? Yeah, he made it. And some of my more recent acquisitions are just molding A mole in a bottle. Baby mole. And another piran ...